In the text below you will find information about our residents’ association. Please feel free to let us know if you would like to receive more information.
Residents’ association and the neighbourhood
The main goal of the association (est. 1992) is to ensure the quality of life in the neighbourhood and the wellbeing of its residents. We do so by listening carefully to our residents and by keeping in touch with the municipality. This way, we are aware of any plans concerning our neighbourhood as fast as possible. We aim to actively involve as many residents as we can. The membership costs € 5,- per year.
The neighbourhood is bordered by Aalsterweg, Floralaan West, Leenderweg and Rijksweg A2-A67. The homes on both sides of Floralaan West and Aalsterweg are considered to be a part of our neighbourhood.
Newsletters and annual reports
Our newsletter is – in principal – sent out to all members on a monthly basis. With this letter we keep them informed about the ongoing topics in the neighbourhood. Examples would be residents’ initiatives, plans from the municipality, or the announcements of activities. Residents can (un)subscribe themselves for this newsletter via the website.
Each year around February, residents will receive the annual report and the financial annual report. These reports are sent out via e-mail. Members that did not list an e-mail address with us, will receive the reports per mail.
At the beginning of the year, an e-mail is sent out with a request to pay the yearly contribution (€ 5,-).
Festivities and useful knowledge
- On King’s Day, April 27th, a party is organised for all residents of Eikenburg – De Roosten at the playground next to the herb garden (end of Pasteurlaan).
- Once every month on Sunday morning around 14 volunteers come together to care for the herb garden. As a resident, you are welcome to use herbs from this garden freely should you need them (for a meal).
- Each year at the end of September we will host the “annual neighbours’ day” (this includes the Jeu de Boules tournament for the Prix des Rues!). All residents from our neighbourhood are welcome to join.
- Each year at the beginning of December, a Sinterklaas event with a parade through the neighbourhood and a get together in the Sint-Joriscollege is organised for all the children in the neighbourhood.
- Once every 4 years de Eikenburg neighbourhood organises the “Eikfestijn”.
- An enthousiastic group of voluntary cooks organises a senior dinner once every six weeks.
- The work group “Zwerfvuil” walks through our beautiful neighbourhood once a month to collect any litter on the streets.
Work groups and clubs
The association currently has the following work groups with a total of more than 100 (!) active volunteers:
- Neighbourhood prevention
- Street contact persons
- Traffic safety
- Herb garden
- Sinterklaas event
- Heart safe
- King’s Day
- Litter
- Biodiversity
- Car sharing
Several clubs are active in our neighbourhood, some of which operate under the flag of are association and some that do not. For example, there is a crochet and knit club, a film club, a flower picking garden, and near the herb garden there are Jeu de Boules courts that you can use.
You can find more about these clubs on the website under ‘Wat doen we’.
If you are interested in taking part in a work group or if you would like to start one, please contact the board.
Party equipment
The residents’ association owns party equipment that members of the association can use. The items are: 3 party tents (1 tent of 8×4 meters, 1 tent of 6×4 meters and 1 tent of 4×4 meters), 5 standing tables, 10 foldable long tables and 20 matching foldable benches. You can find more information on the website.
Privacy statement
We respect the right to privacy as specified in the GDPR. Report complaints, questions and suspected violation and data breaches to the board bestuur@eikenburg-deroosten.nl .
Communication policy
If an initiative or bottleneck arises that it is desirable to address, the board will facilitate the establishment of a working group or club where possible. We strive to ensure that local residents jointly undertake activities that increase the quality of life as much as possible.
The website supports the association’s goals. The website shows which activities are taking place in our neighbourhood, how you can take part and/or who organises the event.
All news items that are relevant to our neighbourhood can also be found on the website.
The invitation for the General Members Assembly (GMA), the annual report and the minutes of the annual meeting are sent out to all members via e-mail. They can exercise their influence on the association’s policies and the appointment of the board members in writing / per e-mail or during the actual meeting (see Articles of Association).
The residents also use social media, such as WhatsApp groups per street. Nextdoor has also made it to our neighbourhood. This app allows information to be shared very easily. Residents can decide for themselves how to approach and if/how to use these apps. The neighbourhoods Eikenburg and De Roosten are connected to Nextdoor.
Some crucial numbers about the neighbourhood
(www.eindhoven.incijfers.nl; 2 Jan. 2023)
De Roosten: 752 residents, 255 homes
Eikenburg: 1.536 residents, 649 homes
Interesting information about our neighbourhood can be found on the following websites:
• www.eindhoven.incijfers.nl/dashboard/buurtvergelijker
• www.kadastralekaart.com/buurten/eikenburg-BU07722250
• www.kadastralekaart.com/buurten/roosten-BU07722240
The association knows 577 paying households (2023).
The annual General Members Association is generally held in March. On average 100 persons will join the GMA. In 2020, 2021 and 2022 the GMA was held digitally (due to Covid). The GMA is only open to members.
• Chair
• Genneper Parken, contact Trudo
Lisette Thijssen (De Roosten)
• Treasurer, member administration
Petry Bell (Eikenburg)
• Secretary
Maurice Pieters (Eikenburg)
• General board member
Antoinette Heerschop (Eikenburg)
Newsletter and website
• Editor and webmaster
Marti Knoops (Eikenburg)
• Board
• Member administration
• Editor
Correspondence address
Aalsterweg 269, 5644 RD Eindhoven